Small made big again
Whilst away earlier this year, one of the places we stayed in had a clothes dryer. I washed a jumper and made an informed (?) decision to put the jumper into the dryer. After all, there was no wool whatsoever in the jumper and surely synthetic garments would survive a dryer. Ha ha, not so for this jumper which came out nice and dry but also a couple of sizes smaller than it went in.
Getting a shrunken jumper back to size – perhaps possible but definitely not worth the effort – not for this jumper. But there are some things that can and should be brought back to where they were; perhaps they can become even better than they were. Relationships for example, if yours with God is a bit flimsy or frayed, be cheered to know that he is there waiting to restore you to perfect spiritual health. The only things that will shrink when you are in a relationship with God are your burdens.
Lord your word says that you will carry our burdens and bring rest to our souls. Thank you for that promise. Amen