A note from Cheryl, Community Development Coordinator
We have had a busy few days here at the Worship Centre. We are seeing more people come on Bread Night and we are delivering to those who are in isolation or unable to drive.
We also have new people coming along to the Community Garden (Tues) and Craft & Cuppa (Wednesday) mornings. It is wonderful to see the friendships being built.
We are seeking help from Good Shepherd members on Tuesday mornings – can you spare 1 or 2 hours per month to be here and help the team out with morning tea and just chatting. Please speak to Sharon or Cheryl if you can. The picture on the left was taken on 15 Feb and behind the sunflower the group is enjoying morning tea after a busy time in the garden.
Last week we assisted a family who lost their home in a fire. We delivered bread and some non-perishable items from our Food Pantry. Please keep this family in your prayers as they clean up and rebuild. More people are also coming through our doors during the week, either seeking prayer, assistance from the Food pantry or just wanting to chat.