
Event Series Coffee and Chat

Coffee and Chat

LDK Greenway Views 260 Soward Way, Greenway, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Join us for a barista coffee and fellowship directly after the LDK worship service.

Southfest Community Day

Good Shepherd Worship Centre Cnr Hambidge Cres & Proctor St, Chisholm, NSW, Australia

Southfest celebrates the Tuggeranong Valley with various events in November. Good Shepherd Community Church will be holding a Southfest Community Day event. This will include our usual Garage Sale and... Read more

Event Series Night Church

Night Church

Good Shepherd Worship Centre Cnr Hambidge Cres & Proctor St, Chisholm, NSW, Australia

Worship at Good Shepherd in this relaxed and informal small group gathering.

Event Series Prayer time

Prayer time

Good Shepherd Worship Centre Cnr Hambidge Cres & Proctor St, Chisholm, NSW, Australia

An invitation to everyone who is able to join in intercessory prayer.

Event Series Bread Night

Bread Night

Good Shepherd Worship Centre Cnr Hambidge Cres & Proctor St, Chisholm, NSW, Australia

Bread from Baker's Delight distributed to those in our community who need it. Held at Good Shepherd Worship Centre every Monday at 6:30pm.
