Tuggeranong Good Shepherd Congregation, ACT
Where love comes to life
Bread from Baker's Delight distributed to those in our community who need it. Held at Good Shepherd Worship Centre every Monday at 6:30pm.
Good Shepherd Community Garden is located at the rear of the worship centre. It is open to the public every Tuesday 10am - 12 noon.
An evening Bible Study held at Good Shepherd Church, led by Pastoral Intern Zak Huggett-Wright. Fortnightly within school terms.
Come along to Walk, Talk Pray and combine fresh air, exercise and prayer – each Thursday, meeting at 9.15 am at the Worship Centre. Stay on for coffee afterwards if you wish.
A weekly worship for residents and friends of LDK Greenway Views. Held in the chapel.
Residents and friends of LDK Greenway Views worship on the first Sunday of the month at 3pm in the chapel, coming together for coffee and a chat following. Alternate worship services at LDK Greenway Views are held every Thursday at 10am in the chapel.
Come along to hear/share men's stories and be encouraged. BBQ dinner provided – $10 donation (don't worry if you can't afford it – come anyway). Speak with Hans, Don or Kevin for more details. If you don't know these people feel free to contact the office for more information. All men are welcome!
Bread from Baker's Delight distributed to those in our community who need it. Held at Good Shepherd Worship Centre every Monday at 6:30pm.
Good Shepherd Community Garden is located at the rear of the worship centre. It is open to the public every Tuesday 10am - 12 noon.
COME ALONG WITH YOUR CRAFT ITEMS YOU ARE WORKING ON - Knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, painting, etc. and relax with others. Even if you do not have a craft item you are welcome to come along and chat. Please contact the office for more details. Phone 02) 62925630 or email office@mygoodshepherd.org.au
Bible study every fortnight in school terms after Coffee and Craft. Feel free to come along to coffee and craft as well or just the bible study. We hope you can enjoy delving into the word with others on this day.
Come along to Walk, Talk Pray and combine fresh air, exercise and prayer – each Thursday, meeting at 9.15 am at the Worship Centre. Stay on for coffee afterwards if you wish.
A weekly worship for residents and friends of LDK Greenway Views. Held in the chapel.
Bread from Baker's Delight distributed to those in our community who need it. Held at Good Shepherd Worship Centre every Monday at 6:30pm.
Good Shepherd Community Garden is located at the rear of the worship centre. It is open to the public every Tuesday 10am - 12 noon.
An evening Bible Study held at Good Shepherd Church, led by Pastoral Intern Zak Huggett-Wright. Fortnightly within school terms.
Come along to Walk, Talk Pray and combine fresh air, exercise and prayer – each Thursday, meeting at 9.15 am at the Worship Centre. Stay on for coffee afterwards if you wish.
A weekly worship for residents and friends of LDK Greenway Views. Held in the chapel.
Bread from Baker's Delight distributed to those in our community who need it. Held at Good Shepherd Worship Centre every Monday at 6:30pm.
Good Shepherd Community Garden is located at the rear of the worship centre. It is open to the public every Tuesday 10am - 12 noon.
COME ALONG WITH YOUR CRAFT ITEMS YOU ARE WORKING ON - Knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, painting, etc. and relax with others. Even if you do not have a craft item you are welcome to come along and chat. Please contact the office for more details. Phone 02) 62925630 or email office@mygoodshepherd.org.au
Bible study every fortnight in school terms after Coffee and Craft. Feel free to come along to coffee and craft as well or just the bible study. We hope you can enjoy delving into the word with others on this day.
Come along to Walk, Talk Pray and combine fresh air, exercise and prayer – each Thursday, meeting at 9.15 am at the Worship Centre. Stay on for coffee afterwards if you wish.
A weekly worship for residents and friends of LDK Greenway Views. Held in the chapel.
Bread from Baker's Delight distributed to those in our community who need it. Held at Good Shepherd Worship Centre every Monday at 6:30pm.
Good Shepherd Community Garden is located at the rear of the worship centre. It is open to the public every Tuesday 10am - 12 noon.
An evening Bible Study held at Good Shepherd Church, led by Pastoral Intern Zak Huggett-Wright. Fortnightly within school terms.
Come along to Walk, Talk Pray and combine fresh air, exercise and prayer – each Thursday, meeting at 9.15 am at the Worship Centre. Stay on for coffee afterwards if you wish.
A weekly worship for residents and friends of LDK Greenway Views. Held in the chapel.
Bread from Baker's Delight distributed to those in our community who need it. Held at Good Shepherd Worship Centre every Monday at 6:30pm.